Animation Tester, a developers’ handy tool 🛠

Get it on Google Play or App Store 👏.

A simple but useful tool to test your texture atlases and sprites 👾 directly on the devices, to know how they will look with a frame by frame animation 💡 🎥.

animated scissors
Sprite map (texture atlas) with 6×6 frames or one changing color scissor, or 1×6 frame if you want to animate 6 scissors at a time

You can select the speed of the animation in frames per second 🚀 and if it will be repeated or not, to check how it looks in the device 📱 📲.

Helpful for developers. Save time! 🕓

Test your texture atlases and sprites directly on the devices 📱 📲, to know how they will look with a frame by frame animation 💡

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